Lease Rental Discounting

When the tides are in our favour and business is flourishing, we always look at areas where we can invest our money to plan and safeguard our business from future fluctuations and difficult times. Buying properties is one of the most preferred type of investment, businesses do due to its ability to be used in many different ways in financing without losing the ownership of the asset.

Leasing the properties not only help businesses to generate an income from the properties that are not in use, but it also act as a base to apply for lease rental discounting loans when it needed. The leased rent is considered as the substantial income and can facilitate the repayments of loan instalments, without putting an additional pressure on the business during its expansion schedules or challenging times.

Save Time Before Applying, By Making Sure
  • You are aged 18 years or over
  • You should have registered lease deed
  • You should have Stability and continuity of income
  • You should have a good credit history
  • Title of Property should be clear
Real Indian Money @ Lease Rental Discounting

Lease Rental Discounting (LRD) Loan can be used for

Purchase of another Property

The first step, the first milestone, the first achievement takes its own time and effort to fulfil itself, and from there on we are always stronger and better to move to the next stage, be it smaller or bigger than the previous one. Building another asset after you have built your first, puts you in a favourable position as you are adequately equipped having just the right knowledge to take the appropriate decisions at the right time.

Taking a loan against your future rentals on your existing asset which you have leased can not only support you but also can help you in accelerating your progress by taking the additional load off from your personal financials as well as from your business expenses. Banks and financial institutions have adaptable lease rental discount loan policies, procedures and repayment schedules making it easier for you to purchase the asset at the right time. It is always advised to compare the products before taking the final decision.

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Expansion of Business

Business expansion is one of the most important aspects as it creates avenues for higher revenue which in turn can lead to higher profile cycles. It is an investment that a business owner undertakes to increase its customer base, offerings and profitability. It also creates new job opportunities in the market leading to more and more revenue generating opportunities.

Today banks and financial institutions are offering lease rental discounting loans with manageable term and conditions to accommodate almost every individual and firm who has leased its property to a reputed tenant for a loan term with registered lease deed agreement. It is advisable to carefully understand the available financial products, before finalising.

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Venture in to a New Business

The main purpose of doing business is to make profits with a vision to expand its revenue base as it moves from a year to another. Creating newer customers bases can be challenging when the competitions are high and the demand upward curve settles based on its maturity, consumption and audience.

Foraying in to newer pastures and uncharted waters seems riskier, but at times it’s the only way to keep rowing ahead and expand your business horizon. Higher the risk appetite higher the returns, when the chosen path is well-informed and planned. Instead of putting pressure on the existing business revenue cycles, a lease rental discounting loan can always come to your rescue to support the current expansion risk and other needed financial assistance. We at Real Indian Money can assist you in identifying, just the right lease rental discounting loan product for you based on your business requirements and expectations.

Confused! Which Bank is right for you?
We are here to assist you. Please call us at 1800-123-669999