Education Loan

In human evolution, culture creates the foundation and education paves the path for continuous learning and growth in personal and professional spheres of life. A country’s worth is measured by its educated population size, quality and its accessibility landscape. Countries with higher education matrices are moving considerably faster from being a developing nation to a developed economy as compared to those having weak education penetrations.

Every individual should be motivated and inspired to seek proper education to support itself and also play an important role in developing its community and the people within. In a country, education not only develops its society but also allows its existential maturity to reach new levels of sustainability and progress.

Today seeking an education loan is comfortable and accessible due to reduced rate of interests and available longer repayment periods. The loan repayment can start after you are employed, thus allowing you to focus and concentrate on your education and self-development during your education tenure.

Real Indian Money @ Education Loan

You can use your Education Loan for Multiple Purposes

Graduation Courses

The school education provides a strong foundation for a student to choose the stream in which he / she would build its career. Depending upon the university and the curriculum being offered at the graduation level, the fee structure not only varies based on the stream but also on the level and location of the said university and college.

An education loan can always support to fill the gap while managing finances for pursuing the graduation from the university of your choice. It is advised to explore your vision with different education loans being provided by various banks at varied and affordable interest rates to study at a premier institute without worrying about the tuition fees and other expenses related to your education.

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Post Graduation Courses

A postgraduate education qualification gives an edge to a student to seek high paying professional opportunities when they are starting their career or have taken a break in between their professional journey to take the next step in their growth and learning.

Not being able to arrange the funds to pursue higher education can lead to discomfort and in some cases can even result in increased stress levels, directly impacting once growth and progress. Taking an education loan can put you at ease allowing you to continue your learning journey to be able to place yourself at a higher professional pedestal. We at Real Indian Money can assist you in choosing just the right education loan product as per your vision, needs and expectations.

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Professional Courses

Today we are living in an environment that has ample opportunities to work not only in the conventional space but also in the spaces that are new, unexplored and full of excitement and learning. Since the last decade, we have seen a 360 degree change in our work styles and thinking. The older ways seize to exist and newer processes are taking prime precedence, requiring specific professional skills to be acquired in order to be relevant in the ever changing professional world.

A professional course or a mentoring experience can sometimes put you in a tight spot where you may not be able to arrange the required finances. We at Real Indian Money can come to your rescue by educating you about the available education loan products and can assist you in choosing the right product for your course requirements.

Technical Courses

Technical competency in addition to professional competency allows a professional to become a key member in the overall organisational growth and expansion. They enjoy steady increase not only in their professional growth but also get competitive enumerations.

The technical courses fee would depend on its complexity, duration, place of education, and type of institution you wish to pursue from. You can either fund the fee entirely from your existing savings or a better option would be to apply for an education loan to effectively manage your income, expenses and savings. We can guide you to choose just the right education loan product for yourself based on the technical course requirements and other supporting expenses to further your professional journey.

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Executive Development Programs

The pinnacle of any profession is achieved when you either reach at the top or are a part of the senior management core team managing the organisational business portfolios and verticals. The journey not only requires continuous consistent growth oriented performance but also involves specialised development programs equipping you to undertake responsibilities of multiple business objectives and disciplines.

Executive development programs require a specific level of maturity for the participants to understand and practice the nuances of higher responsibility matrices. Managing finances for such programs can be challenging, as apart from the course fees, other dependent expenses also needs to be taken care of. An education loan can help you in planning and completing the course at the required schedule, for you to take the next step in your career, just at the right interval.

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Foreign Education

International education is the most desirable acumen that students and professionals always wish to acquire as it exposes them to different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, languages, and societies enriching them with broader academic experience and excellence.

Overseas education requires a considerable amount of financial management as it is based on the course, the country in which it is available, its duration and the kind of exposure it provides to its students. It is a life changing decision for everyone be it the person itself or its family as everyone has to contribute in some or the other way to process and fulfil its requirements. It is advised to consider and understand all the available loan product options to take a well informed decision. We at Real Indian Money can assist you in selecting the right product and financial institution as per your requirements and repayment expectations.

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